When working on an existing water or waste water main, the last thing you want is shut down service to get the job done. Shutting down is not only a pain, but it can leave your profits short and your customers upset. It’s with this in mind that we created an option to have a live valve insertion done on an active line. By utilizing the EZ Valve Systems from Advanced Valve Technologies, we can install a UL & NSF-61 certified valve made with AWWA C509/C515 material into one excavation.
This system maintains the pipeline’s original integrity by avoiding a sectional or circumferential pipe intrusion and leaves a valve that has a normal number of turns to actuate. For line stop applications, the valve bonnet can be replaced with a blind flange. Our local staff has experience in valve insertions/line stopping in sizes 4"-12". Larger sizes up to 24" are available on request.
If you need live valve insertion service, contact us today for more information.(402) 438-2988
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